This weekend one of my projects was cleaning out the linen closet and going through the cedar chest. In the linen closet I found two gift boxes with Scott's name on them. They contained some of his precious baby clothes which were carefully wrapped in tissue. I have seen baby pictures of Scott wearing these! His beautiful white linen suit complete with tie and belt; his soft blue and white knit jumper, sweater and cap with felt moccasins; a white seersucker hat with blue and white striped seersucker shoes; red and white Christmas shoes - they are all so adorable, just like him!! I have carefully re-wrapped them in tissue and placed them in the cedar chest, awaiting the arrival of our Grandsons...I sure am looking forward to being a Grandma! Elliot, Abbie & Alysson, Claire, Ian...not to rush you into anything, but when the time is right...babies please!!!