16 December 2007


When I was recently cleaning the garage and found the old lamppost sign (see post below), I also found the license plate from Pop's old Mercedes...

Remember when Dad had the WAMJM license plate in the 70's? That one took a bit of explaining, but so did this Tintic one, I suppose. Hard to believe the last time Dad had that car registered with this plate was 1993. He sure did love that car.

Just checked on the Cali DMV site, and neither of these plates are available:

Wonder what wonderful Cali residents own these plates? I'd love to meet them, cuz they must be the best people!


When Mom and Dad moved out of the family home, I snatched a few things...
  • I have the dinner bell that hung in the back patio next to the kitchen window
  • I have the all-electric-home medallion that hung above the doorbell
  • My biggest score was the sign from the front yard lamppost....
When I took down the lamppost sign, in my heart I hoped that someday a McDonell - me! - would be putting it back in its rightful place. The last owner contacted me a few years ago when he was selling the house, but no way could I afford what he was asking. Who knows? Maybe it'll come back on the market at a price that Mary and I can afford.

Worse case scenario: I also have the original, complete blueprints so I guess I could just rebuild the house somewhere else someday. I also have Milo's original sketch of the swimming pool, so I can make a fake of that, too. But what would really be cool is to own the real thing - my family's old homestead.