On Saturday, March 8th, we attended CSULB's Homecoming celebration. Many don't know this, but Scott and I both received our Bachelor degrees from Long Beach State's College of Business Administration at the same time - May of 1983. In fact, we were in the same commencement ceremony but we did not know each other at the time. In 1986 we worked for the same company (Add+On Systems), and I had my degree hanging on my office wall. When Scott saw it, he told me he also received his degree from Long Beach State. When he looked at the date on my degree, he realized that we both graduated at the same time. I often wonder how many times our paths crossed during those college years, not knowing that we would be married to each other 25 years later! I've located both of our transcript, but haven't compared them to see if we were ever in the same class...more to come on that!

We were treated to a great buffet lunch, and given free hats, cups, pens, stickers and tickets to their basketball game later that day. Scott even won their raffle for two tickets to one of their Musical Performances this season!
The highlight of the day was a booth that had all of the year book albums on display. We found the 1956 year book with Grampa Bill listed for receiving his Bachelor Degree, and he was also in the 1958 book for his Masters Degree! AWESOME! Next year we hope he will be able to join us.
On the way home, Scott treated me to a pasty, which I had never had before, at this great little place called The Pasty Kitchen - yum - if you've never had one, you've got to try them!
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