When Mom and Dad moved out of the family home, I snatched a few things...
- I have the dinner bell that hung in the back patio next to the kitchen window
- I have the all-electric-home medallion that hung above the doorbell
- My biggest score was the sign from the front yard lamppost....

When I took down the lamppost sign, in my heart I hoped that someday a McDonell -
me! - would be putting it back in its rightful place. The last owner contacted me a few years ago when he was selling the house, but no way could I afford what he was asking. Who knows? Maybe it'll come back on the market at a price that Mary and I can afford.
Worse case scenario: I also have the original, complete blueprints so I guess I could just rebuild the house somewhere else someday. I also have Milo's original sketch of the swimming pool, so I can make a fake of that, too. But what would really be cool is to own the real thing - my family's old homestead.